COVID Safe Plan

In keeping with the requirements of the Victorian Government’s restrictions the Laboratories at DNAIQ and Australian Veterinary Stem Cells have implemented a COVID Safe Plan.

1. Mandatory Workplace Attendance Register

  • All staff attending the workplace must sign the attendance register on arrival, recording the time, date and body temperature (using the non-contact thermometer provided).
  • Deliveries should also be noted on the Workplace Attendance Register (with the exception of temperature taking)

2. Restrictions on non-Staff Visitors

  • No non-staff visitors are permitted entry into the workplace without the written permission from the Laboratory Director. This includes all subcontractors.
  • Where a non-staff visitor is permitted to attend the workplace they must record their details on the Mandatory Workplace Attendance Register (as per 1)
  • The exception is for the delivery of CO2 tanks and liquid nitrogen in the garage area.

3. Workplace Precautions

  • With the exception of laboratory work staff should endeavour to work from home whenever possible
  • Where possible attending staff should aim to achieve temporal distancing via rosters
  • When more than one staff member is occupying the same workspace masks must be worn

Laboratory Director

Harry Banaharis